Typically, diagnosing cerebral palsy takes time, though more severe cases might allow for a child to be diagnosed soon after birth. This is rare, however, and most diagnoses happen within the first two years of a child’s life.
This is not a condition that can be developed as an adult, but adults with cerebral palsy do face many challenges. View this blog for more information.
This can be an immensely difficult and uncertain time for parents who are concerned about the well-being of their child, but it is important not to rush to a diagnosis without being certain that the condition exists.
There are many steps to confirming cerebral palsy. The child must be monitored for key indicators such as:
A doctor will also test the child’s muscle tone, coordination, and several other factors. Medical specialists might also be consulted. Tests such as MRIs, cranial ultrasounds, or CT scans could be ordered to obtain images of the brain. Even after a cerebral palsy diagnosis is made, parents might still want to seek a second opinion to rule out the possibility of a misdiagnosis.
In addition to the aforementioned indicators and tests, there are other factors doctors will consider to reach a diagnosis. However, there is no definitive test to diagnose cerebral palsy, which is why many tests, or a combination of tests, are necessary to diagnose this condition.
Here are some of the other tests and evaluations a doctor might employ to determine if your child has cerebral palsy: