If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries and financial losses. The compensation you’re awarded is based on who was at fault for the accident and if negligence was a factor.

That’s why it’s important to hire an attorney to handle your accident case. Consider a law firm like Fieger Law. Our Detroit car accident lawyers are experienced at evaluating accident cases and understand what is needed to prove fault. We’ll work with you to maximize your compensation.

When Can You Sue?

The personal and financial losses you suffered from your accident are called damages. You can sue to be compensated for your accident injuries, whether or not a drunk driver is involved. An attorney can help prove your injuries were the result of your accident.

Drunk Drivers Are Liable for Crashes They Cause

To prove your case and be awarded compensation, you must prove that negligence was involved and who was at fault for the accident. Liability helps determine which party is at fault and responsible for the accident.

Driving drunk is illegal in Michigan. State laws define drunk driving as a driver with a blood alcohol level content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher. Alcohol impairs a person’s ability to drive, slowing their reaction time and making drivers more easily distracted. Drunk drivers’ judgment is impaired, making them more prone to bad decision-making.

Drunk drivers are breaking the law and failing to operate their vehicles in a safe manner, which is the definition of auto negligence. Negligent drivers are more responsible for car accidents, making them liable and at fault for the crash.

Impact of Michigan’s No-Fault Laws

Drivers are required to carry no-fault insurance by Michigan law. This insurance covers some of your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages resulting from accidents, no matter which driver is at fault. Your insurance policy will cover some of the costs resulting from your accident, but you may need further assistance.

You’re allowed to pursue additional compensation from the other driver and their insurance company if your injuries are severe. You should always seek more compensation if your injuries were serious and the result of someone else’s negligence. Successful claims must prove the other driver was at fault for the accident.

Drunk Driving Accident Settlements

Cases can be settled out of court, so you won’t have to deal with the stress and time-consuming aspects of a trial. The amount of compensation you’ll receive in your settlement varies from case to case.

Factors that affect how much compensation you’re awarded include:

  • The extent of your injuries and the medical treatment required
  • Physical pain and suffering that occurred during or after the accident
  • Long-term effects, including your mobility, scarring, and ability to work
  • Emotional damages and psychological effects from the crash
  • Financial damages, including lost wages and medical bills

How Fieger Law Can Help

Drunk driving crashes can cause serious injuries, requiring months of recovery and affecting your livelihood. Working with the right law firm after your accident helps prove your case and increases your chances of receiving maximum compensation for your injuries.

Fieger Law is based in Michigan, but we’re happy to work with clients living throughout the U.S. Our attorneys understand that auto accident law and at-fault policies depend on where you live and are experienced in handling cases across the country.

We’re skilled at investigating, researching, gathering evidence, and proving fault in accident cases. Our law firm treats clients with compassion as they heal from their injuries and works hard to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve. Contact our law office today for a free consultation.