In nearly every industry, there are certain protections that keep the rights of employees at the forefront of the way businesses operate. Employees have specific rights under Michigan law that employers must adhere to regarding hours, wages, and more.
Unfortunately, far too often, employees are taken advantage of by employers and they feel as though there’s nothing they can do about it. After all, most of them need their jobs to make a living and they fear that coming forward can result in them losing their jobs.
At Fieger Law, it is our commitment to protect the rights of employees as they go through some of the most difficult times. Trust that we work to safeguard the protections afforded to you when your employer acts in a manner that tampers with the employer-employee relationships.
In 1978, the state of Michigan created Act 390, which dictates how employers must pay employees. Along with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, you would think employees can feel safe in the workplace.
Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case and employers sometimes act in a manner that undermines the law. This includes some of the following issues involving labor and wages:
Employers can impact how much an employee receives based on the amount of work they have done; however, if the employee receives less than they earned based on hourly or salary wage and overtime hours worked, the employer may be the subject of legal action.
Employees are classified based on the work they do, their capacity with the company, and whether or not they’re allowed to work overtime. Each classification can impact how an employee receives payment and how much they can earn.