brakes on a vehicleProduct defects are common in many industries. You read about recalls regarding home appliances, electronics, and more. Unfortunately, automobiles and the parts that help them run also encounter recalls because these products may have defects.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides information regarding automotive recalls, including those for brake failure, airbag problems, engine issues, ignition trouble, and more. Many crashes unfortunately arise prior to a recall taking place.

An investigation can help you determine the cause of a car accident and whether a defective product was involved. In many situations, it’s vital to look at the vehicle’s brakes, engine, steering wheel, and tires for potential problems.

If a defect was present, you must show that this was the cause of the accident. For instance, brake failure can lead to a vehicle behind you being unable to stop. If you see a vehicle traveling quickly towards your rear-end, and a crash occurs, you may have to investigate beyond potential driver negligence to determine if the vehicle’s brakes were bad.

Manufacturers are liable if their products are the reason for a crash. Regarding car accidents, the manufacturer may often commit a manufacturing or design defect, which means the part was not manufactured or assembled correctly, or the part’s design did not work for its intended duty.

A lot of the newer vehicles on the market have adaptive technology that is supposed to help drivers on the road. Unfortunately, these can have defects as well.

Product liability and car accidents can often go hand-in-hand, so it’s vital to have a legal team with knowledge of the laws to help you pursue compensation