There are many different types of coverage you should consider when you purchase auto insurance, but far too often, people overlook the option for uninsured or underinsured coverage. This is a very important coverage to have on your policy for various reasons.
Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage comes into play after an accident involving someone who has no insurance or inadequate coverage. Because you go through your own insurance company for a No-Fault claim, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is available in third-party liability lawsuits.
When you file a third-party liability claim for pain and suffering against the at-fault driver, you’re going through his or her insurance company. Unfortunately, there are countless situations in which that person may not have insurance at all.
When the other driver doesn’t have any insurance and you attempt to file a third-party liability claim, you may have to go through your own uninsured motorist coverage. Your insurance company should already be handling your matter for No Fault benefits, but this is in addition to those losses.
Similar to the situation above where you go through the other driver’s insurance provider to recover compensation for pain and suffering, they may not have enough coverage. While Michigan has minimum limits regarding insurance coverage, if your pain and suffering exceeds the other driver’s policy, you may need to rely on your underinsured motorist coverage.
You would file this claim with your insurance company to cover amounts in excess of what you would receive from the at-fault driver’s insurance provider for pain and suffering.
This can be a complex area of law to navigate, and it’s important for you to have legal help when doing so. At Fieger Law, it’s
our priority to provide you with clarity, helping you fully understand your options along the way. Trust that our Michigan car accident lawyers are here to help you every step of the process and safeguard your ability to pursue compensation.