Kimberly A. Suzor | Fiegerlaw

Kimberly A. Suzor


“No man is above the law and no man is below it: Nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it.” - Theodore Roosevelt

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Kimberly Suzor joined Fieger Law in 2015, with over 18 years of experience in personal injury law. As Intake Manager, she oversees our intake and referral program.

She began her career specializing in Social Security Law. After joining a large personal injury law firm, her organizational skills were quickly recognized, and she received a promotion to Head of the Social Security Division. Later, she became Intake Director, a position she held for 15 years.

Kimberly earned a dual major in History and Political Science at Northern Michigan University. She deferred graduation after being awarded a scholarship to the Japan Center for Michigan Universities in Hikone, Japan. She earned her Juris Doctor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. She is licensed to practice in Ohio and Michigan.

Kimberly loves the law because it offers the power to combat injustice and fight for what is right.

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