In 1969, the first humans landed on the moon, the Beatles gave their last live performance, Richard Nixon was sworn in as president, and Sheldon M. Adelson passed the Bar Exam.
That was 50 years ago.
Shel was honored in the January edition of the Michigan Bar Journal for 50 years as a State Bar of Michigan Member, and will be invited to an awards luncheon this fall.
Despite his long legal career, Shel set out on a very different path …
Fieger Law Attorney Sheldon Adelson grew up in Detroit and graduated from Mumford High School in 1962.
He passed the Bar Exam on his first try in 1969, after graduating from Detroit College of Law. He began his law career at Lebenbom, Handler & Morganroth, where he clerked and worked until 1971 when he opened his own private practice in Southfield, Mich., just two blocks down 10 Mile Road from Fieger Law.
Shel was a general practitioner, handling divorce, personal injury, collections, bankruptcy, real estate and more. He also scored corporate counsel positions with Lombardi Food Co., Emerald City Harbor Marina, and United Bureau of Credits, Inc. Keeping those lucrative accounts and narrowing his other cases to personal injury, he moved to the Travelers Tower on Evergreen Road in 1975.