Motorcycle accidents are an unfortunately common occurrence in Michigan. What you do after a collision can be just as important as your safety measures before getting on your bike. With 5,579 motorcyclist deaths nationwide and 2,285 injury motorcycle crashes in Michigan alone in 2020, riders can benefit from knowing what to do after an injury-causing accident.

Fieger Law can help you avoid the wrong actions after a motorcycle crash to maximize the compensation you receive from the negligent party. Read on to learn more about what you should never do after a motorcycle accident and how an attorney at Fieger Law can help you.

Not Getting Checked Out By a Doctor

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, and it is vital to seek medical attention immediately afterward, even if you feel fine at first. It is common for adrenaline to mask pain following an accident, and injuries such as traumatic brain injuries may not appear until hours or even days later.

Internal bleeding, broken bones, and concussion are all serious medical conditions resulting from a motorcycle accident and require prompt medical treatment.

Seeking medical attention is also beneficial when filing a personal injury claim. By seeing a doctor immediately after the accident, you get an official diagnosis of your injuries and an estimate of the cost of treatment.

In addition, your medical records provide evidence that you received your injuries in the accident. The attorneys at Fieger Law can use this evidence to prove liability in your case and increase your chances of recovering fair compensation.

Not Obtaining the Other Driver’s Insurance Information

After a motorcycle accident, getting the other driver’s insurance information allows you to file a claim against their insurance policy. Most states require drivers to carry minimum liability insurance, meaning every driver should have some coverage.

Speak directly to the other driver to get their insurance data or refer to the police report, which should contain the information. Get their name, phone number, policy number, and insurance company’s name. Turn this information over to your attorney with Fieger Law, who can help you continue the claims process.

Admitting Fault

Admitting fault after a motorcycle accident can be a costly mistake. Insurance companies may use your admission against you when determining who should pay for damages.

Additionally, admitting fault could jeopardize any personal injury claims you may have against the other party. If you’re not sure who was at fault, it’s best to wait until the investigation is complete before making any statements.

If you must give a statement, for example, to a police officer, carefully choose your words. Even if you are not at fault, saying the wrong thing can result in an insurance company finding you responsible anyway.

For example, apologizing or expressing sympathy to the other driver can be interpreted as an admission of fault. Commonly misused statements include:

  • “I’m sorry.”
  • “I’m not hurt.”
  • “I agree” or “I accept.”
  • “That was my fault.”

Avoid discussing the details of the accident with anyone other than your lawyer. If you speak to another party, notify your attorney at Fieger Law as soon as possible.

Speaking to the Insurance Company Without a Lawyer

It’s important to file an accurate insurance claim, but you should never give more information than necessary. Insurance companies look for any opportunity to minimize the amount they have to pay out, so it’s best to keep your answers brief and direct.

You may not be aware of all the facts surrounding the accident when you give your statement. As a result, you may inadvertently say something that could damage your claim. For example, you may express that your injuries aren’t that bad or that you aren’t injured when the full extent of your injuries hasn’t become clear yet. They may cherry-pick your statement and use your words to reduce the settlement offer. If you make guesses on things about the crash you aren’t sure about, such as how fast the other driver was going, and your guess turns out to be wrong, it can also call into question everything else you told the police after the crash.

After a motorcycle accident, insurance companies will often pressure victims into giving a recorded statement. They may say that the statement is required or will help expedite the claim process. However, you should never provide a recorded statement.

Direct all communications with your or the negligent party’s insurance company to your attorney from Fieger Law. We know how to handle aggressive insurance companies and will negotiate on your behalf to help you win a fair settlement.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney After Your Collision

Contacting a motorcycle accident attorney after your collision can help you receive maximum compensation. The Michigan motorcycle accident attorneys with Fieger Law fight for the rights of motorcycle riders and will work to ensure you are treated fairly during the claims process or ensuing litigation.

At Fieger Law, we work with motorcycle accident victims on a contingency fee basis. Whether in Michigan or elsewhere in the United States, you can work with us after your accident and benefit from our experience and track record.

Contact us today for a complimentary and confidential case review so we can guide you on how to proceed with your claim to maximize your settlement.