Attorney Geoffrey Fieger announced today he has filed a multi-million-dollar suit against Pastor Daniel Chalmers and the Love Wins Ministries, Inc., of Raleigh, North Carolina for peeing on Alicia Beverly during a Delta airlines flight from Las Vegas to Detroit.

The facts show that Chalmers, a white pastor, boarded the plane in Las Vegas, with a blood alcohol content above .17 (far above the standard for being legally drunk). Forty-five minutes into the flight, Pastor Chalmers stood up and walked over to Alicia Beverly, a black passenger, and began peeing on her. When Alicia screamed, an off duty police officer arrested him.

The defendant was taken into custody in Detroit when the plane landed.

Fieger stated:

“It is difficult to believe that a church would hire a Pastor who boarded a plane drunk and has a proclivity to urinate on passengers. Considering the times we are living in, nothing surprises me anymore”.

Samantha M. Teal

Legal Assistant to Geoffrey N. Fieger