Watch Out! Puddles May Be Deeper Than They Appear

After spring rains, you may need to step around puddles as you head to work or to complete shopping and other errands. While most small pools of water are shallow, some can be deceptively deep, hiding dangerous potholes, uneven ground, or slick surfaces that can […]

Ice Can Form on Pathways Even When It Hasn’t Snowed

In Michigan, the weather can turn pathways icy even before the thick of winter hits. Sometimes, businesses might miss these icy spots on their property, and that’s when someone can take a nasty slip and fall. According to Michigan law, it’s up to business owners […]

Steps You Can Take to Prevent Visitors Tripping Outside Your Building

Ensuring the safety of visitors to businesses and apartment complexes is not just a matter of courtesy; it’s a legal obligation. A slip, trip, or fall outside your building can result in physical harm for the visitor and legal and financial repercussions for you as […]

How Serious is a Broken Hip After a Fall?

A broken hip, also known as a hip fracture, is a serious medical condition that occurs when the upper portion of the thigh bone breaks or cracks. Most commonly, it is caused by a fall, particularly in older adults. A broken hip can have significant […]