Whenever you suffer an injury in a car accident, a claim becomes inevitable. However, to have a successful case, you must ensure that you recognize how to prove that the other driver is liable. Like most personal injury matters, a car accident case has important factors that come into play when proving liability.
In most situations, a driver automatically assumes a duty of care when he or she gets a driver’s license. They must follow the laws of the road and operate their vehicle in a way that keeps you and others safe.
A breach in the duty of care means the driver did something that was negligent and disregarded the safety of all parties. They were disobeying traffic laws and violating the terms of their driver’s license.
To file a claim, you must show that the negligent actions of the other driver were the cause of the accident. If the negligent driver was on their cellphone, for example, the evidence must prove that they were using it when they caused the accident.
One of the reasons it’s essential to speak with a medical professional after a crash is to get evidence showing your injury occurred because of the crash. Filing a claim requires you to show that the accident was the direct cause of your injuries.
Our Michigan car accident attorneys at Fieger Law are here to help you prove your need for compensation. We’ll build a strong case strategy on your behalf and stand in your corner at every step. Let us be your voice to pursue justice.
Call usat (800) 294-6637 today.