Who Can You Sue After a Truck Accident in Michigan?

Commercial truck accidents are notorious for the injuries and damage they cause. They’re also known for being more legally complex than other types of vehicle accidents. That’s because there are many laws governing commercial vehicles and their drivers. To make things even more complex, there […]

How To Prove A Traumatic Brain Injury

Unlike many other types of serious injuries, brain injuries aren’t always visible to others. Even if someone has suffered a severe brain injury, they might still appear uninjured to the outside perspective. However, brain injuries are some of the most painful, expensive, and life-changing injuries. […]

Group Home Residents Might Be Abused by Other Residents

When most people hear the phrase “nursing home abuse,” they typically envision a nursing home resident who is being physically or emotionally abused by a staff member. Though this does happen in nursing homes across the U.S., another type of abuse is disturbingly just as […]

Why It’s So Important To Hire An Attorney After A Crash

Contrary to popular belief, most people hire car accident lawyers out of necessity, not because they see an opportunity for easy money. Car accident attorneys provide a valuable service, and they’re often the first and last line of defense against insurance companies’ bully tactics. Insurance […]

What Are the Most Common Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

Several state and federal laws protect workers from sexual harassment. Sadly, laws themselves aren’t enough to prevent workplace sexual harassment, though they do offer workers legal recourse when they’ve been harassed at work. Every worker needs to know that they have a right to a […]

Ways To Increase Your Chances Of A Larger Settlement

If you’ve been seriously injured because of someone else’s mistakes, you’re legally entitled to pursue compensation to cover the costs of those injuries. The greater the costs of your injuries, the more money you may be able to recover from the at-fault party. But how […]

Delaying a C-Section Is a Suable Offense

Obstetricians and nurses have an obligation to provide the best care possible to their patients. One of the delivery methods they can use to prevent birth complications is a cesarean section (or C-section). Though C-sections aren’t always preferred as a delivery method, they can prevent […]

You Were Just In A Car Accident—Now What?

A car accident, even a minor one, is a jarring experience. After a crash, you’re likely disoriented and frustrated. And the adrenaline pumping through your body might mask symptoms of serious injuries. Unfortunately, while you’re in this state, you’re forced to deal with other drivers, […]

What Are the Rules About Driving in School Zones in Michigan?

Originally published September 6, 2021. No stretch of road requires more focus or care from drivers than a school zone. Children are far more vulnerable in collisions than adults, and far less likely to understand the importance of crossing only at crosswalks when there are […]

Crashes In Michigan Increased In 2020, Despite Less Traffic

The COVID-19 pandemic changed life in many ways for Michiganders, some more surprising than others. If you were still commuting in the early stages of the pandemic, you likely noticed there were fewer vehicles on Michigan roads than we’re all used to. Many of us […]