Do Insurance Companies Automatically Pay for Pain and Suffering?

After a serious accident resulting in injuries that wasn’t your fault, you could be owed compensation from the at-fault party’s insurer. Most medical expenses, lost income, and other financial losses could be included in that compensation. But what about all the non-financial costs you’ve suffered, […]

What Are Michigan’s Pedestrian Traffic Laws?

Some of the most serious injuries imaginable happen when pedestrians are struck by vehicles. In many collisions involving pedestrians, the driver of the vehicle failed to follow the law. But what do Michigan’s laws specifically say about the rights and responsibilities of drivers in relation […]

The Biggest Reason Most Parents Don’t File Birth Injury Claims

Birth injuries are common, yet birth injury lawsuits are not. Why do so many parents not pursue compensation for the many birth injury-related costs they’ll face, especially when a healthcare provider’s negligence was the cause? The answer is simple: Most parents don’t even realize that […]

What Are Michigan’s Texting And Driving Laws In 2024?

Texting while driving is illegal in Michigan. State law bans people from reading, typing, or sending a text message while driving. Even holding a mobile device behind the wheel of a moving vehicle is illegal, except in a few situations. If ticketed for using a mobile […]

Can I Be Forced to Work Off the Clock?

If there’s one thing most American workers have in common, it’s the pressure from their employers to be as productive as possible. In some cases, they’re even asked to do work outside of their normal work hours. For example, many retail and food and beverage […]

What Qualifies As A Catastrophic Injury?

Some injuries are far more debilitating than others. While minor bruises, fractures, or soft tissue damage might require rest and medical treatment, catastrophic injuries fundamentally change a person’s way of life. Though the term catastrophic injury is used primarily by attorneys and doctors, it’s important […]

How Soon Should You Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, you might have many issues to deal with—doctor appointments, vehicle repairs, and all the challenges that come with a serious injury. The last thing on your mind might be calling a lawyer. However, contacting a lawyer soon after a car accident […]

Signs Of Negligence On The Road

Roughly 33% of car crashes could be avoided if everyone made a conscious effort to prevent careless and reckless driving. While you can’t control how others act behind the wheel, knowing these signs of negligence on the road can prepare you to identify and avoid a […]